Saturday, July 5, 2008

Locking Connector Types

A new page was added to hold a graphic for a Bayonet style locking connector. The page is linked off the page covering the definition of a BNC Connector. A small definition is also provided. Both pages are part of the Definition of Radar Terms section.

Also added a graphic holding page to cover the definition of Terminal Lugs. The Terminal Lugs diagrams reside in the Engineering Glossary of Terms section.
In addition to the pictures referenced above a few others were added to pre-existing pages. A few additional entries were also added to the Definition of Resistor Terms section, but no new pages added.

I also moved the Balun Definition to its own page as the definition was being duplicated on three other pages. The new page covering Baluns is linked from a number of pages including the Antenna Terms section, and Engineering Dictionary section. Of course each of the new pages have been added to the site-map, linked of the index page.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Circular Connector Manufacturers

Finally added some text to the Sealed Circular Connector page located on The page was created a few months back... So far the page is a collection of links to pages that list manufacturers that produce round connectors on

The listing groups all the different pages into one list, which should make round connectors easier to locate.

Looks like the web site could use a few more pages dealing with Military Spec connectors.