Saturday, July 18, 2009

Resistor Attenuators

I added a new page to cover schematics of different styles of Resistor Attenuator Networks. The page should support the section of Resistor Terms and Resistor Attenuator Manufacturers.

Normally these devices will be surface mount components so the common term will be Chip Attenuator. The new page shows schematics for the Pi attenuator, T attenuator, and L attenuator.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

HCSL Components

A new page was added last week to cover HCSL Clock Oscillator Manufacturers. HCSL switching logic is used with PCIe to name just one interface.

The new page is linked off the main Oscillator Manufacturers vendor page. There is also a link of the Engineering Acronyms pages.

Photo credit;, Rifleman Radio