Saturday, November 28, 2009

What are the different types of Resistor Networks

Had a page out on interfacebus showing a few different schematic diagrams of both Resistor Array and Resistor Networks in a 16 pin Dual In-line Package [DIP]. The page also linked to RC Networks in a 16-pin DIP, and a page which showed the Passive DIP components. Also have a page covering Derating Resistor Networks.

Anyway I added a new page to cover Resistor Networks in a 20-pin Leadless Chip Carrier [LLCC], or 20-pin LLCC Resistor Networks. I then added one to cover 16-pin LLCC Resistor Networks.  I think most of the text is all the same on each of the pages. All the schematics are the same, except for the pin out and the packages so why wouldn't the text be the same.

I just noticed that the dual-resistor termination package in a 16-pin LLCC case only has seven termination resistors, what bus uses just 7 bits of data? Same thing with the common-pin package which only has 15 resistors.

So now there's a page for 16-pin DIPs, a 16-pin LCC and a 20-pin LCC package each with three different styles of resistor interconnections.

Design hint. Resistor Networks are great because they save a lot of board space, but there are problems with these components.
First noise is easily passed from one resistor to the next because they are all in the same package.
Secondly, one resistor [in the package] my be located in the correct spot on the PWB, but in many cases all other traces need to be routed out of their way to reach the resistor package. Individual resistor packages can be placed in the exact location required, resistor networks can not. This may not matter in low speed systems but in high speed networks trace distance does matter.

Graphic; Resistor Array, 16-pin Lead-Less Chip Carrier, 8-resistors, no common connection.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Component Derating Guidelines

In support of the section on Transistor Derarting, a page was added to explain how to Interpret the derating Curves. Many of the pages already had some text regarding reading the graph, but why keep adding more text to each page if it's the same over and over. The 'How-to' page uses a derating graph from a 2N2904 Transistor, in a TO-39 metal Can.

It was just random chance that I added a picture of a 2N3637 SOA in this posting. I already had a page covering that topic out on Google Sites; Maximum Safe Operating Area.
Normally I don't post new pages added to Google Sites, but I did add two pages today [no text yet]. The internal Construction of a Capacitor, and the internal Construction of a Resistor.

Any other page changes [to either site] today were just small updates.

Graph; Safe Operating Area [SOA] Power Curve, 2N3637 Transistor.

Functional IC Schematics

Yet more Functional schematics for different Integrated Circuits [IC] were added last night.
A page was added to include a Shift Register circuit, with component part numbers. Also one to include a Parity Checker or Parity generator circuit, with just a few part numbers. Another page includes Flip Flop gates. This one does not include gates with Output Enable lines, so I may add another page later to include those types of flip flops.
To support the page on Decoder chips, a page was adder for Encoder Chips. But neither page provides IC part numbers, at least for now.

I think I also added a page on Binary Adders. I may have also added a listing of Analog Switch ICs. Might be about it. As normal, I'll add some more data in a few days. Semiconductor manufacturers, and Standard Logic manufacturers.

Graphic: Dual Analog Switch in a Dual In-Line package, with pinout.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

IC Schematics

Even more internal IC schematics were added last night. So far they were all linked off the Multiplexer IC page, but by the end of this posting I'll have added a top level page.

Although I didn't have a circuit diagram for an Analog Switch, I did add one for an Analog Multiplexer IC. One circuit for now, but I my add a few more different configurations of Mux schematics and more data too.

Also added a page for a Clock Buffer. That page only shows one 10-line clock buffer schematic and no information, but I hope to add some part numbers some time today. Some what related to clock buffers, a Data Buffer circuit was added. Just a 16-bit buffer circuit, again with no supporting data.

I new page showing a 4-bit Up/Down Counter was also added. Now the counter page actually has some information attached to it. However that page is still waiting on some part number, but like all these pages I hope to get much of the data input today.

The last page addition was a simple Decode IC circuit.

Ok, well I went ahead and added a top level page to the Logic Design section; IC Functional Circuits.

So in the last few days 10 new pages were added, getting any page views from them is a different matter. These pages will turn into a lot of work while producing no incoming visits like the 2N3418 derating curves. While up-dating that page I noticed that the TO-23 Case page was still sitting at a rank of zero, so I updated it a bit. Same deal with the TO-46 Metal Case.

Graphic; Schmitt Trigger IC, Inverter/Buffer.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Transistor Case Styles

As part of the section that covers Transistor Cases Styles, a new page was added to show a TO-66 package. Except for the graphic, the page is a direct copy of the TO-204 package.

Although this graphic shows a DIP package, only metal cans are shown on the page. The Dual In-Line packages would only serve to show the device pin out, the package sizes are already well known.
The over-all topic is IC Package Definitions.

In most instances these pages just serve to hold a picture of the component package, not much text on any of the pages.

Unrelated topic; The terms Null, and  D-Flip Flop, and Debug were added. Just a few of the many upgrades occurring over the last few days.

Graphic; Transistor Array in a Dual In-Line package [DIP].

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Identity Comparator ICs

I spent much of my available time just making some standard up-dates to the list of Components Manufacturers. However I made sure I had time to add a new page; on an Identity Comparator Schematic. I don't think I'll be adding the definition to the Electronics Dictionary. But because the Identity Comparator function is almost identical to a Magnitude Comparator, a link was added off that page. Because I had some 'white space' on the Multiplexer IC page I added the link there too.
Seems like I still have one or two more functional IC schematic that I could upload, maybe in the next few days. Oh each of these page also show all the available IC part numbers as well.  Digital Semiconductor Devices.

Graphic; Differential Receiver IC. Click for a larger image.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Integrated Circuit Functions

A new page was added to cover the definition of a Magnitude Comparator IC. The listing was added in support of the new definition of Magnitude Comparator that was added to the dictionary section.

This follows Fridays blog posting on IC Number Conversions when the page BCD to Decimal Converter Circuit was added. Which followed last Wednesdays blog posting on IC Multiplexers, in which the detailed schematic of an IC Multiplexer was added in support of the definition of Multiplexing.

Also in support of the definition of Parity Check, a schematic was added to that definition, although it didn't make it to its own page. However this schematic may also be moved to a new page at a later date.

Although some what unrelated, a CANbus transceiver circuit was added to the CAN Bus listing. Also when the PI-Bus interface was listed the other day, a PI-Bus transceiver schematic was added to that page. When the JTAG Interface page was updated last week, a schematic of a JTAG Scan Device was added as well. Some time around there a Physical Layer Transceiver was added to the SpaceWire listing. All Avionic Buses for some reason, random chance....

Anyway the next new page to interfacebus will either be another functional IC schematic to tag onto this posting or an IC foot-print to follow yesterdays blog posting.

Graphic; Quad, Dual-Input AND gate Integrated Circuit [click for a larger image].

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Non standard IC Packages

Although I did update a number of pages today, I'm back to adding more IC packages.

I started by up-dating the DIP Package page, making a new entry for a Through-hole Dual In-Line package from that listing. I copied the dual in-line listing to make a Surface-mount J-Lead Dual In-Line package. I had another graphic but I'll get to it on Monday, I had to many pages open at once.

Anyway the dual-row DIP was the non-standard part I was referring to, not sure but I think it was a 1553 part.

Much of the updates today centered on updating pages without a page rank that had not be touched in the last 4 months. For example; Antenna Terms, Radar Terms, or Engineering Acronyms. If the page did not require a text update, then I made some embedded site-wide changes that many pages are getting.

Graphic; HMS Ark Royal and USS-Nimitz. Open Source.