Friday, November 27, 2009

Component Derating Guidelines

In support of the section on Transistor Derarting, a page was added to explain how to Interpret the derating Curves. Many of the pages already had some text regarding reading the graph, but why keep adding more text to each page if it's the same over and over. The 'How-to' page uses a derating graph from a 2N2904 Transistor, in a TO-39 metal Can.

It was just random chance that I added a picture of a 2N3637 SOA in this posting. I already had a page covering that topic out on Google Sites; Maximum Safe Operating Area.
Normally I don't post new pages added to Google Sites, but I did add two pages today [no text yet]. The internal Construction of a Capacitor, and the internal Construction of a Resistor.

Any other page changes [to either site] today were just small updates.

Graph; Safe Operating Area [SOA] Power Curve, 2N3637 Transistor.

1 comment:

Leroy said...

2/24/2010 Half of these transistor derating page are not doing to well as far as visits go. I just checked the derating curve for a 2N5339 transistor, only 29 page views in a years time. The data-sheets for these devices don't provide the data represented by these curves.

The 2N3867 transistor is another example with about the same number of visits. So is the 2N3967, just as bad. Maybe I need better keywords?