Friday, January 23, 2009

Nexus 5001 embedded processor debug interface

The Nexus 5001 specification, called the Standard for a Global Embedded Processor
Debug Interface was released by the IEEE in 2003 as IEEE-ISTO 5001.

I added a page to cover the topic on the 6th of January as Nexus 5001 Interface.
I wanted to update the page just now but could not remember the page title. I did a Google search, but nothing showed up, and I paged around with out it finding either.

Looks like I linked to the text off the Design for Test page, which has not yet been spidered by Google yet. I just added another link off the alphabetic listing of buses page, Interface Buses 'N'. The Nexus 5001 standard calls out a connector but I'm not yet sure if it's a 'Cable Bus' or add-on board, 'Mezzanine Bus', guess I need to read the spec. However it definitely is a debug specification that uses the JTAG interface.

I went ahead and added a link to the new page off the Bus Design page, which lists all most all possible interface standards listed on the web site.

Adding this posting will insure that the page covering the Nexus 5001 standard will be spidered now. But it still may be a few days before the topic is indexed on Google or that it shows up on a site search within It must be time to generate and up-load a new sitemap to Google, and to update the page to add additional information of the subject.

I did just add yet another new page that provides manufacturing part numbers for Nexus 5001 connectors, Nexus 5001 connector manufacturers. Not really sure how long that page will reside on the web site, part numbers do tend to change. The vendor page has no out-going links, so maybe it's ok to leave it.....

1 comment:

Leroy said...

1-24-09; I just did a with-in site Google search for Nexus and the new page I just added yesterday showed up. The page covering Nexus connectors showed up, but not the main page on Nexus 5001 which was added two weeks ago??

I assume the other page will show up in the results later today..

Any way that's one reason why I blog on Blogger, Google reads the posting almost as soon as they get posted. So this blog provides a way to show site visitors what just got added to the web site, and at the same time lets the search engine know; a win-win.

I think posting a link here gets noticed faster than up-loading a site-map to Google