As part of the design section on how to design an electronic chassis, a page was added to cover Cable Harnesses. Or additional considerations to account for when you require a cable harness within a chassis.
When to Tie wrap a cable, how often a tie wrap should be used along a length of cable and additional issues not covered on the original Specifying a Cable Assembly page. I will be adding a sub-section on splices to cables on that new page as well.
Other pages that were recently added include;
Equipment Data Runs; covering Possible Data Rates. 8/11/09
Equipment Rack Grounding; covering How to Ground an Equipment Rack. 7/31/09
Industrial Rack Mount Computers; covering
....... Rack Mount Computers. 5/21/09
....... Cable Retracters. 5/21/09
Designing an Equipment Chassis; covering
....... Chassis Wire Selection. 4/29/09
....... Chassis AC Module Selection. 4/29/09
I don't see any other new additions to the chassis design section in this blog. Of course pages get updated all the time. Here are some key phrases;
How do I know where to tie wrap a cable.
How often do I tie wrap a cable.
Can I put splices in a cable harness.