Added three new pages covering 555 Timer circuits. There's already so much info about the 555 on the web, but I'd been wanting to add the 555 data for awhile now. I don't expect much traffic to the pages because of the other web pages but it still my help some one who is already on the site looking for related information.
Now what I did is start one page and then copy that incomplete page into two other pages. That way as I begin to write the pages most of the text does not turn out to be identical. However that leads to copy-paste errors. But the pages start with the correct back ground data. I think I have corrected most of the typo errors, but I'll get the rest tomorrow.
Anyway I added a page that covers a 555 Monostable Multivibrator circuit, which include a schematic, timing equations and a description. The same holds for the page covering the 555 Astable Multivibrator circuit which was added. Then off the Astable page I linked in a page for a 50% Duty Cycle 555 Multivibrator. The 50% duty cycle page may still have typo's after being generated from the Astable page, but I'll fix them. No one should really be able to find these pages yet anyway, so they should be alright for another 12 hours.
Graphic: Internal Block Diagram of a 555 Timer IC, 8-pin circuit package.