Friday, September 26, 2008

Definition of Capacitor Terms

There are now thirteen pages that cover the Capactior Dictionary section. Each page now has a link to all the other pages at the top of the page. In addition a few new graphics were added to aid in the defintion of the terms.

Because this section is a dictionary of Capacitor Terms not all letters are covered, but two new pages were added:
The first new page covers 'G' terms; Dictionary of Capacitor Terms, 'G'.
While the second page covers 'P' terms; Dictionary of Capacitor Terms, 'P'.
And another page for 'D' Capacitor definitions.

The definitions came from pages all ready in the section but those pages were runing a bit long. How ever because of other additions made tonight, now other pages are running to long which means that they may be sub-divided into other 'new' pages.

The dictionary pages change more than a few times a year, as more terms are added or new graphics are added, and in some cases obsolete terms are removed.

Some of the 'side' terms are still not listed in the Capacitor section, but they may be found in the Glossary of Engineering Terms section.

Note; 1/28/2010. The links to the capacitor dictionary have been updated in a newer blog posting; Indexed URLs.