I've posted about adding some pages covering transistor derating, but I never really linked any of the new pages here. I don't have any new pages to blog about, so I'll list a few of the pages covering transistor derating.
These are just a random sampling of a few pages;
2N2484 PNP Transistor.
2N2906 NPN Transistor.
2N3743 PNP Transistor.
2N4029 PNP Transistor.
2N6676 NPN Transistor.
There's nothing special about these pages, in fact a few seemed to be some of the smaller pages in the group. But they each point to other pages with the same or similar device in a different package style. So I'm really pointing to a dozen pages while only listing 5 here.
These pages were added around the first of December, and up-dated once to add more data. Looks like a few could still use some more data, but I'll be up-dating the pages that haven't changed yet.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Derate a BJT by Temperature
Posted by Leroy at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: BJT, Derate, Derating, MTBF, Temperature, Transistor
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