Much of the data on Passive Filters has been consolidated onto one page, as Passive Filter Definitions. Unlike most new pages the filter page already has a large number of cross-links coming in. As much of the filter data already resided on the site, but under individual filter definitions. The original definitions relating to passive filters remain, but are now also all listed on one page [for now].
So these filter terms also come with a number of graphics, but they were also being used on the site already. A number of new terms have been added for filter types, but most are a different name for a filter already listed. Of course it wouldn't be a very good dictionary page if it didn't list all possible terms.
I may update the passive filter listing again this week, but I think I may also add a page for active filters next week. I hope in the up coming weeks the filter page will be indexed and come up first in an on-site search, instead of many of the other page with only a single filter listing.
Off topic comment, although the site visits are up 20% [pageviews blog posting], hits to the home page of interfacebus are down 9%. However many individual pages show a decline over last year, but I would assume many more show an increase otherwise the site would not be up 20 percent.
Key words; Passive Filter, LC, Capacitor, Inductor, Low pass, High pass.
Graphic pic file; A Common Mode Choke Inductor, through-hole.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Passive Filter Definition
Posted by Leroy at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dictionary
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Switching Regulator ICs
I started a new page to cover Switching Regulator ICs. I already have a few new graphics and some definitions in addition to text about switching regulators.
The new page is linked off one of the Regulator Manufacturers page and the Dictionary page covering the Definition of Switching Regulators.
So far I only have two picture files, but look at my hard drive later for another pic file.
As I get the page on switching regulators worked up, maybe by the end of the week, I may add a page to cover linear regulators. I may be able to come up with a few gifs relating to linear regulators. Oh, this new page is not about power supplies, unless you consider a switching regulator IC a power supply.
But one new page was added, with two new gif files. There have also been several other pic files loaded over the last week, just not to new pages.
Posted by Leroy at 12:53 PM 2 comments
Labels: IC