Saturday, November 21, 2009

Package Types used by Integrated Circuits

Although a Small Outline IC was already listed on the IC Surface Mount Packages page, the link pointed to the same page, or the graphic at the top of the page. However I did have a link to a Gull Wing IC package. Anyway I added a new page for SOIC packaged ICs. In connection with the SOIC page I also added a page to hold a Plastic Small Outline Package, which I assume is about the same as an SOIC.

Yet another new surface mount package added was a Land Grid Array, or LGA package. After uploading the grapic to the left I went ahead and added a page to hold a Quad Flat Pack IC. At any rate, the main IC Packages page was updated to point to these new additions.

Of course some of these packages are very common and an engineer will not need a page to show a graphic of an IC they use every day. But their addition tends to round out the site regardless of how common the package styles are. So this small section of pages just received four new ICs today, and 2 others yesterday; with the additions of the LCC Package, and Unformed Lead, Leaded Chip Carrier. It appears that the last IC package added was back in August [IC Package Styles] for the TQFP IC.

Introduced a few new items to the GPIB page.

Graphic is a Quad Flat Pack IC, click for a larger view.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Number Conversion ICs

To support the page covering Gray Code conversion, a new page was linked in for BCD to Decimal conversion. The original Gary Code definition listing was updated at the same time. The BCD page uses the same number conversion table as before because it shows BCD to decimal numbering, but also provides a schematic for a BCD to Decimal circuit. In this case I also added a few generic part number that do the conversion with out the need for AND/OR gates.

Also added two new Surface-Mount IC Packages; a graphic for a Leaded Chip Carrier, and a graphic for an Unformed-Lead Leaded Chip Carrier. I'm not really sure what the acronym is for an LCC with unformed leads. As with a number of other pages, these only serve to hold the graphic. One graphic helps to speed page loading and keep down confusion. I should be adding a few more today, if I don't get side tracked.

Graphic; Dual, Quad Input NAND gate IC package.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Avionics Buses

I added a new page today to cover the PI-Bus. The PI-Bus was already listed on the site but only in passing because I really didn't have much data. I still haven't added much to the page, but it's more than I had before and a bit much to leave on the Avionics Data Buses page. I also added a new link to PI-Bus off the interface buses page 'P', data had already been listed there.

Even though I only added a few sentences more than the site already listed, it took 3 hours. As I uncovered data that needed to be added to related pages, so several pages were updated just because of the PI-Bus update. Oh and because I always start with a copy of another page to begin a new page; I updated and used the AFDX page to begin with.

Last week a page covering Laser Diode Manufacturers was added, but I never got around to adding the addition here. The search engines have already found that page but I mention it regardless. That page was linked of each of the other four Diode pages.

Graphic; F-22 Raptor, open source. The F-22 uses the PI-Bus.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

IC Multiplexers

I added a new page to cover IC Multiplexers, and a few multiplexer graphics. I also started with a definition of multiplexers and added many of the common part numbers for integrated circuit multiplexers. I'll be adding more part numbers over the next few days. The new page is added off the Multiplexer Dictionary page.

At the same time a few other graphics were added to the site.

On a side issue, I noted that a few of my key words are seeing a decline over the last year;
Can Bus. also Canbus, and USB Interface.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Manufacturers, Bus Definitions and pinouts

A few new pages have been added over the last few weeks. Today I added a page to cover Manufacturers of Laser Diodes. I also added a link to a number of pages including Diode manufacturers, Zener Diode Manufacturers, and Companies that produce Varactor Diodes. The page only contains three manufacturers, but I'll get it updated in the next few days.

Last night I added a page to cover PS3 connectors, not sure why but it is an electrical interface. Looks like one of the pins may contain an error, but I added a note to indicate that. The new PS3 page is linked off this bus page; Interface Buses, 'P'.

Last week I split up one of the Printed Wiring Board Terms page, but I don't remember which one;
PWB Terms, A - O.
PWB Terms, P - R.
PWB Terms, S.
PWB Terms, T - Z.
Of course many pages have been updated, but only new pages get listed here.