Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dictionary of Resistor Terms

There are 11 pages on interface bus that form a short dictionary of resistor terms. The resistor dictionary is only part of a few dozen pages that cover resistor topics, I list a few below.

Any way, I try to keep the page sizes small so they up-load fast. Because of that I divided up the B/C page into a page that cover 'B' resistor terms and 'C' resistor terms. Most pages in the group still show the B/C page, but once the 'B' page is found, the 'C' page shows up. I'll fix the other pages in the next few days.

Blog Pages;
Looks like the last new page was added in April 12th; Resistor Network Schematic.
The Resistor Definition section was added on April 11th; Resistor Definitions.
Then on April 4th; Resistor Tolerance.
February 19th; Resistor Chip Attenuator Manufacturers.
February 18th; Current Sense Resistor Manufacturers.

So I've listed pages that link to Resistor Topics and not the links to the individual pages.
The graphic used is a SIP package, as in SIP Resistor component.